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Writing: A Window Into the World

Writing has long been my preferred way to communicate. Since I became a teenager, I have carried a notebook around with me. I wrote poetry, stories, thoughts of varying complexities, and then saved each notebook in a box in my room. I still have some of those notebooks.

Now that I have a laptop, most of my writing goes into a computer, but I still like to keep a notebook. I used to drag it to doctor’s offices and other appointments, but since COVID-19 became a problem, I don’t do that anymore. I do keep one on my nightstand, though.

As human beings, history is both written by and shaped by language. From petroglyphs to YouTube, our modes of communication have only shifted. In the words of Nelson Mandela, “Without language, one cannot talk to people and understand them; one cannot share their hopes and aspirations, grasp their history, appreciate their poetry, or savor their songs.” How would we understand the culture of the stage in Shakespeare’s time if he hadn’t written his plays? How would we have discovered the history of Anne Frank if she hadn’t written in her diary? How would we connect to Joan Didion through her grief if she hadn’t written “The Year of Magical Thinking?”

Now that I’m thinking about Shakespeare, I’ll focus on how we can learn from his writings. Many of his plays alluded to morals that he possibly questioned in the early 17th century. Did Will want us to learn how to forgive each other so we wouldn’t turn into the Montagues and the Capulets? Or perhaps he wanted to warn us of a violent end if we carried on like Titus Andronicus? Regardless, Shakespeare invented over 1700 English words. Now that’s influence.

Writing is not as easy as some people think. If only we could just throw together words on paper and hope for the best. Instead, writing is methodical. The words have to make sense. The writing always has a purpose, whether to record a response, tell a story, or persuade to buy. Many writers use structure and some rebel against structure. Advertisements integrate poetry. Music and lyrics meet in pop songs and movies. And whether the writer intends to or not, a message is sent.

I want to keep writing, improving some small aspect of skill each time. I hope to record history, tell stories, and persuade for good. I want to provoke thought and discuss potential.

And hopefully, over the course of a lifetime, leave a piece of writing behind that inspires someone to do good.

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